LOB Komodo Tour - Moyo Island , Satonda Island , Gili Laba (Day 2)

Day 2 (Moyo Island, Satonda Island, Gili Laba)

Moyo Island

Today, we went to Moyo Island to see the waterfall in Moyo Forest and take a much needed shower there. It's an interesting thought because we were at sea and only had access to a simple toilet. We had to take the small boat to get to the island because the boat couldn't lean there. If you know how to swim (which Ayu doesn't), it would be preferred to swim to the island because it's not really far from the island and the water is actually tempting, clean, and clear.

Row, row, row your boat!
The swimmers
We took a guided trek through the forest to find the waterfall. The guide is very experienced, so we wouldn't have to worry about getting lost. It didn't take too long to find the waterfall, and the hike was not really that hard to do; 100% safe.

If you're brave enough to get a closer look at the waterfall, you can climb the slippery rocks that lead up to it. We didn't make a full climb because we didn't wanna take risk of getting any accidents as it's really REAAAAAAALLY slippery and we didn't bring any safety equipment with us. We were happy enough to see the small waterfalls though, we are definitely easy to please. The water is so clear and cool, there's also a natural swing (made of trees roots and vines) up there but we didn't have the picture.

Satonda Island

The next stop was to see the salt water lake and snorkeling at Satonda Island. It's different with Moyo Island as there are people who actually live here and run the place. Good news that you can also take shower here for IDR 5,000 (38 cents). There is also a store that sells cold drinks and snacks for a reasonable price.

Not sure what they are for, likely a mark from visitors

The salt water lake

There were 14 other people who joined us in this trip but at this time, we were busy with ourselves. Some went and stayed at the salt water lake and took pictures with their drone, some were having conversations with the person in charge of this island, some went snorkeling, and some just stayed at the gazebo. It was a relaxing time but we couldn't stay too long because of the high tides that usually happen in the afternoon. We did take a shower which was an amazing feeling. We felt so clean. 

The next journey was sailing at night to Gili Laba. Welllll, this was the worst night on boat EVER. We kept waking up due to a VERY STRONG current that made the boat keep rocking so hard. For a second, we felt like we were in Titanic movie and the boat was about to flip upside down. It was really nerve-wracking as we felt the water splash on our face. We somehow did finally fall back to sleep and we were thankful that we could see the sun rise.

To be continued.


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