Mangrove Center Graha Indah

It was later in the day when we arrived at the Mangrove Center Graha Indah in Balikpapan and we were able to catch the last drive of the day. The best time to come there is at the afternoon, around at 4 - 5 PM when the proboscis monkeys (bekantan) are hunting for food. The place is located inside the area of housing residents, even our driver has never been there and had to ask several people for directions there. 

We finally found the place and arrived at around 5 PM. The plan was to get on the boat trip with random people so we could split the cost, because it doesn't matter how many people in the trip, you are only charged for the boat rent, a boat is actually enough for 10 people. Sadly, we were late, there were a family who just came back from the trip. We asked one of them if they could see the monkey and said they did but they didn't bring long lens so they couldn't take picture.

After a few minutes of counting how much the money we had left, we decided to take the trip for both of us and pay Rp. 300,000 ($23)We strapped on life vests that were provided and climbs into the boat and began the tour. The mangrove is famous for its proboscis monkey residents and the boat is the only thing separating you from the crocodiles that reside there as well which reminded us about Monster of Sangatta. We were with an experienced guide who does this trip everyday and he seemed calm and that made us feel more at ease.

And the journey begins..
There's certainly an awe inspiring atmosphere driving along the waters with the sun beginning to set. We passed by a man fishing who greeted us with a wave before we arrived to the trees with the monkeys. The guide kept telling us whenever he saw a monkey but they were too far and our lens were not long enough to capture them clearly. We took hundred of pictures anyway.

It was actually not a cheap trip but it was enjoyable and worth the money.  We read that some of the fee is utilized for mangrove forest conservation efforts by the locals. The proboscis monkeys were moving and swinging too fast, which makes it impossible to get a clear picture. From the hundred of pictures we took, we finally had one good picture of a proboscis monkey.

The boat trip lasted around 30-45 mins and it was already dark when we're driving back to the dock. We were very happy and thankful for the experience but we were exhausted and the thought of crocodiles kept hunting us so we rushed back to the car. 

It was one hell of adventure in one day, from seeing the orangutans, sun bears, crocodiles, elephants, to proboscis monkeys. We were starving and had dinner at one of the most famous restaurants in Balikpapan, Dandito Restaurant and met a friend there. We really enjoyed our time in Balikpapan and sad to leave but there will be more new places to explore together later and we are looking forward to doing it.

Keep calm and stay traveling.


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